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Engaged Sweeper II
We are still not running AD...

Any advice on how I can search on a username for last x logons? I used to hack the code that searched users, but can't really do that with the new version since it only has 1 search box for everything.

This SQL will do what I want, but not sure the best way to pass the username:

select TOP 40 C.Computer, L.Username, L.logontime, L.Ipaddress from tblCPlogoninfo L join tblcomputers C on L.computername = C.computername
where L.Username like 'cr%'
order by L.logontime desc

One thought I had.... create a report listing unique username, and create a link from there to call a stored procedure. But, not sure how to create a link in a report to pass the parameter.

Engaged Sweeper II
Lansweeper wrote:
76012 wrote:
How do I scan the users?

Just wait until news scans are done.

Still no go...

I created a new NT4 domain user, logged in a computer, LanSweeper scanned the computer, I see the new user name on the Action Screen as the last logged on user....but the account is NOT added to tblADUsers, you CANNOT search for the new user, and clicking the user shows NO data on the User Details screen.
Lansweeper Alumni
Please upgrade to the version of yesterday, this fixes the problem.
Engaged Sweeper II
Lansweeper wrote:
Please upgrade to the version of yesterday, this fixes the problem.

The new version does not fix the problem for me.

tblADUsers is still blank so I cannot search on a username. Clicking on a username from the computer action screen does not show any information.

It still looks like I have to manually populate tblADUsers to make things work. not a problem...just an FYI.

Champion Sweeper
It might be better to insert that into the login script. If you run it at night, you still won't get any user information since none of them are logged in at the time.
Engaged Sweeper II
taeratrin wrote:
It might be better to insert that into the login script. If you run it at night, you still won't get any user information since none of them are logged in at the time.

Populating the tblADUsers table just enables the searching and reporting to work. Everything is still logged in LanSweeper inlcuding the actual login times.
Engaged Sweeper II
Looks like the easiest thing to do is schedule a job to run this each night:

insert into tblADUsers (username, userdomain)
select distinct Username, 'myDomain' as 'userdomain' from tblCPlogoninfo
where username not in (select username from tblADUSers) code hacking is needed in LanSweeper.
Champion Sweeper
Doesn't the user info page display this information? On mine, I see a list of the last 50 computers they logged into.
Engaged Sweeper II
taeratrin wrote:
Doesn't the user info page display this information? On mine, I see a list of the last 50 computers they logged into.

I believe User Info only works with AD... "User OU overview" is blank on my NT domain.
Lansweeper Alumni
76012 wrote:
I believe User Info only works with AD... "User OU overview" is blank on my NT domain.

You should be able to search for the username and view the user details page.
Engaged Sweeper II
Lansweeper wrote:
76012 wrote:
I believe User Info only works with AD... "User OU overview" is blank on my NT domain.

You should be able to search for the username and view the user details page.

tblADusers has no records

Searching for user returns this:
Results for search "userid" - 0 items found

Clicking on last user on the computer Action screen:
returns the User Detail screen, but all fields are blank...
Last 50 computers logged into is blank

Clicking on User OU overview returns no records..


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