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Engaged Sweeper III
I have upgraded to the pemium verison but think im misisng something..

I have changed the service, restared and it all seems to be ok..

added the line for active scanning...

But nothing sees to have changed... were will these pcs be scanned and displayed?

should there be new tabs in the GUI?

is AD intergration the same as active scanning? dont i need to tell it where the pcs are in the AD?

Engaged Sweeper III
As requested

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<configuration><appSettings><add key="ConnectionString" value="Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=ukyord27\general;Initial Catalog=Lansweeper32;User ID=lssqluser32;Password=mysecretpassword0*"/><add key="ConcurrentThreads" value="30"/><add key="ListenPort" value="9524"/><add key="Activescanning" value="0" /></appSettings></configuration>
Engaged Sweeper III
I will in the morning.. The reason for asking is I cant find a screen shot of the pro verison.. It looks the same to me.. Even the little nag messages in the corner asking me to subscribe
Lansweeper Alumni
Could you post your lansweeperxx.exe.config file please.


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