Is there any way to get serial numbers from Cisco devices that are discovered via an IP scan? I have the read SNMP string in there & it is picking up the correct model number.
Hello,We have the premium version of lansweeper, and i wanted to use the uninstall function, but it tells me that the premium version is needed.version there a workaround for this ?Thank you
(I know that Opera isn't "officially" supported, but...)Since v11 Opera is using plug-ins as well but they seem to have other format than Firefox or Chrome. If I place nplansweepershellexec.dll in %localappdata%\Opera\Opera\widgets nothing happens. O...
Error where printers should be listed when clicking specific report:"Report has an invalid syntax:Divide by zero error encountered." Occurs when clicking these reports from the All Available Reports page:"Printer almost out of toner""Printer Toner le...
First of all we are in our second week of using this product and we are highly impressed.We have a mix of IBM Cognos products such as Cognos Planning and Cognos Impromptu. When we scan the PCs and look at the Software overview, all products are ident...
Greetings!I have followed the instructions: I have a problem cause it does not work.1. In our AD, made a new group called ITsth and put members there2. On server where Lansweeper is installed I have edite...
Does anyone have a configuration working either with or without Lansweeper that will running Task Manager/Proccess Explorer on a remote computer.Thanks,Niles
When I try to telnet to a device from the Device screen I get the error window "Error: File not found". On the Lansweeper server, Configuration -> Custom Actions -> Device actions, the Action field says "telnet.exe {ipaddress}". I changed it to "c:\w...