Cannot connect to remote computer, check firewall settings for port 5900Firewall is completely offattempting to connect to windows 2003 server VM from Windows XP sp3.
Hi,We have Processors that not recognized correctly.For example P4 DualCore DUO7300 2.66G-3M ceche 64BIT is recognize as 1 * Intel Pentium III Xeon processor .
After I upgraded LanSweeper to 4.0 there are no computers displayed. Also, on the home page I see "##tempserver##". Not sure what's going on, but all I have are user accounts, it seems that my computer info disappeared. Also, my active scans aren't ...
Hello, when i click on any computer in my inventory, i see the below SQL error. Any ideas? I've looked through the stored prodecudres within SQL and i can not find the 'dbo.web40getdiskspace' procedure. Thank you!System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException...
On the main page in the web console there is a link to the printers. In that report it shows a Location field. Then under All Available Reports there's a shared printers report but this one does not have the Location field. I have gone in the report ...
When I select a computer to see the Action screen I have nothing listed under Advanced Actions. When I go into the Configuration screen I do have several items checked as being Advanced items...and I am faily sure I never changed the default settings...