
This board contains archived posts from the retired Lansweeper Forum and Insiders Community.

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Forum Posts

Lansweeper Homepage is messed up

My lansweeper homepage is messed up and I cannot open the all workstaions report in ReportBuilder. I get the following error: Invalid Object Name 'Web30repAllWorkstations'I know that this has been solved before but I do not know what to do with the...

pfenton by Engaged Sweeper III
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USB Devices?

Is there an easy way too determine what USB devices have been hooked up to a computer? We have a policy against USB drives, and I want to know what machines have had one inserted, so I can "Remind" some folks of our policy, or at least figure out th...

dteague by Engaged Sweeper III
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Registry access denied error - Win7

Hi,I am having a weird problem where Lansweeper brings an error with access denied when trying to access the registry. I have turned the Remote Registry service to on (it is Off by default on Vista and Windows 7), so that is not the problem. I have a...

pentel by Engaged Sweeper III
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scaning with local admin credentials

HI!We wolud like to bypass scanning with domain admins, and I'm wondering if there is a way to use comupter's local accounts for scanning? Each domain in our forest has all computers set up with the same local admin username and the same password. Is...

airdih by Engaged Sweeper
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IP address lookup

Is there a way to lookup by IP?Thanks,Niles

Pollak by Engaged Sweeper III
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Screengrab not working via web, works using executable

Screengrab does not work when using through the web, does not display error of any kind. When I click on it I get a window asking if I want to run and I click ok and then I get the active X warning and I click ok to allow and then nothing. When I run...

Remote SQL Instance?

Does anyone know if you can setup Lansweeper Premium using a remote SQL instance?

several errors on one PC

Hi there me again.. There is one pc in our network that gives a lot of errors.I think the following error explains everything;WMI - Fault with loading of the provider LAPTOPTBP_5 (laptoptbp_5.tbp.local) \root\default I used the Connection Tester and...

violanzzj by Engaged Sweeper
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