I am having trouble getting a scan from the LanSweeper server or LSPush from the client to work using DirectAccess (over IPv6).
- When I ping from the server or client to the other, I get a response by the IPv6 address.
- When I run the LanSweeper ConenctionTester from the server to the client it resolves by IPv6. Although I get a reverse DNS loopup failure, it still scans by WMI successfully.
- When I run a 'Rescan Asset' from the server, it fails with a 'Cannot resolve IP address' error
- When I run an LSPush scan from the client to the server (lspush.exe servername), it fails and in the Windows Resource Monitor I see LSPush trying to connect by IPv4
I'm not sure why the LanSweeper server and LSPush are trying IPv4 even when the names resolve by IPv6. I've already set IPv6 as preferred on my cleint and it does not resolve the problem.