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Engaged Sweeper
I've downloaded yesterday and Lansweeper successfully scanned > 800 computers and devices in my AD.
Today I've deleted one computer from database, just to see what happens when a computer is deleted, shut down and then restarted again and logged to domain, but I wasn't able to see it again in Lansweeper, neither running lsclient.exe (it's into the logon script) nor changing computer hostname and logon again in DC.
Active scanning is on.
Restarted also my Lansweeper server and computer but unsuccessfully: this happened 3 hours ago, and I wonder I still can't see the computer with new hostname in Lansweeper database.
This is a limit of the free trial? I've checked the forum about this problem but for me none of the solutions is working.

Thank you, support

Engaged Sweeper
ok thank you: finally one day later I found my host back into inventory...
Lansweeper Alumni
A computer will not be rescanned by active scanning if it was scanned in the last 8 hours.
Lsclient should scan the computer.
You can check if it's in the scanning queue on on the lansweeper server.


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