khipkins wrote:
We do not have AD at the moment, we are upgrading soon - we are using an NT4 single domain. Our client machines are mostly W2k and XP with a few old NT4.
I was aware that the AD functions would not work for us, but the inventory information was excellent. The only information I get now is the computername and logon information for every time the client is ran on the PC via the logon script.
I have a w2k domain here and 2 of my clients are doing this. All my clients run win2k pro or XP (except 1 computer stuck with win98 to run a custom software ans 1 CNC running NT4). My errors come from 2 windows 2000 clients. Other clients work fine.
I will try to track down a bit more information as soon as I have spare time. For now I think it may be GPO related... I will start investigating this way... I think my 2 clients may have som GPO set for the local computer that are not set normally by the domain...
As soon as I have comething I'll get back here to write it.