‎03-04-2010 10:54 PM
‎03-05-2010 03:03 PM
‎03-05-2010 03:06 PM
sarmo wrote:
To modify the DB, will I always have to login as the owner, and not just a local or domain admin?
‎03-05-2010 02:39 PM
‎03-05-2010 02:34 PM
‎03-04-2010 11:09 PM
‎03-05-2010 09:57 AM
sarmo wrote:
This was using the upgradebeta.sql you sent me yesterday. Everything seems to work, except for device properties and adding a device. I tried creating a sql script with the code you pasted above and running it against the SQL database instance and it didn't help. Do I need to run the upgradebeta.sql script again?
use lansweeperdb
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[web40DevActionsA]
AS SELECT Description, Action, Icon, confirmation
FROM dbo.tsysdeviceactions
WHERE (enabled = 1) AND (Advanced = 1)
ORDER BY sortorder
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[web40DevActionsB]
AS SELECT Description, Action, Icon, confirmation
FROM dbo.tsysdeviceactions
WHERE (enabled = 1) AND (Advanced IS NULL OR
Advanced = 0)
ORDER BY sortorder
‎03-04-2010 10:58 PM
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[web40DevActionsA]
AS SELECT Description, Action, Icon, confirmation
FROM dbo.tsysdeviceactions
WHERE (enabled = 1) AND (Advanced = 1)
ORDER BY sortorder
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[web40DevActionsB]
AS SELECT Description, Action, Icon, confirmation
FROM dbo.tsysdeviceactions
WHERE (enabled = 1) AND (Advanced IS NULL OR
Advanced = 0)
ORDER BY sortorder
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