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Engaged Sweeper
Hi Team,

I am new to Lansweeper. We have deployed Lansweeper and it is working fine. We have almost 5000+ servers where Symantec Endpoint Protection (Verion 9 to 12)is installed. With the help of Lansweeper I would like to generate a custom report which can provide virus definitions of the servers.

Please let me know the procedure to create custom report

Thanks in advance
Srinivas Piratla
Lansweeper Alumni
There is no built-in functionality for this. The only way to detect this information would be through a custom file/registry scan, if it is stored in a registry value or file properties.

File scanning example: http://lansweeper.com/kb/19/report-based-on-file-information.html
Registry scanning example: http://lansweeper.com/kb/18/report-based-on-registry-keys.html