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Engaged Sweeper
Good morning,

I have recently added a new subnet that has two PCs and 24 Lancom WLAN access points in it. The PCs are found by the scan, the APs not. Not a single one.

I had to set the scanning method to SMNP because the APs do not have a username/password authentication but require a password only, which Lansweeper isn't able to do when it comes to SSH scanning.

What could be the problem? In case that the APs aren't recognized, I have a .mib file for these. Do I need to integrate it into Lansweeper and if so: how do I?

Thanks in advance.

J. Berner

[EDIT] The APs I'm talking about are these: LANCOM L-321agn Wireless
Engaged Sweeper

upon returning from my summer holiday Lansweeper managed to find and scan those Lancoms.

So everything is fine now and this thread can be closed.

Lansweeper Alumni
IP Address Range Scanning runs on schedules. Each range has its own schedule. Did you hit the Scan All Enabled IP Ranges Now button to initiate an immediate scan and wait for all the IP addresses to be processed under Configuration\Scanning Setup\Scanning Queue? You can locate the device afterwards by entering its IP address into the web console search bar.

If the device still doesn't show up after performing these steps, please contact support@lansweeper.com and provide us with:
- Screenshot of the Configuration\Scanning Setup\Scanning Methods section of the Lansweeper web console.
- Screenshot of the Configuration\Scanning Setup\Scanning Credentials section of the Lansweeper web console.
- Screenshot of the entire DeviceTester window.
- Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Service\Errorlog.txt, as present on your Lansweeper server.
Engaged Sweeper
Good morning,

I ran a device test and the results show that SNMP and SSH are enabled (see attached screenshot).

I created SNMP credentials and an IP range as described, to no avail. Manually adding and scanning an asset didn't help either. No details were filled in the description of the device.

J. Berner
Lansweeper Alumni
Devices need to have one or more of the following protocols enabled in order to be scanned: FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, JetDirect, SIP, SMTP, SNMP (SNMPv1 or SNMPv2), SSH or Telnet. If available, SNMP is generally used. You can run the following tool on your Lansweeper server to test connections to specific IP addresses and see which protocols are enabled: http://download.lansweeper.com/tools50/DeviceTester.exe

If one or more of the aforementioned protocols are enabled, you can submit your devices for IP Address Range Scanning under Configuration/Scanning Setup/Scanning Methods in order to scan them. If SNMP is enabled, you will also need to:
• Create one or more SNMP credentials under Configuration/Scanning Setup/Scanning Credentials, by hitting the Add New Credential button.
• Map your SNMP credentials to your devices’ IP ranges, by hitting the green + button next to a range in the IP Address Range Scanning section of Configuration/Scanning Setup/Scanning Methods.