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Engaged Sweeper
How does one go about removing a domain from the domain overview window?

Lansweeper Alumni
Problem has been resolved over Skype.
Engaged Sweeper
e-mail sent.
Lansweeper Alumni
If you delete all computers contained within a domain, the domain will be removed from the domain overview. If the computers are still submitted for scanning however, they will eventually reappear, along with their domain overview entry.

Please wait to take further action until we've examined the problem. Contact us at support@lansweeper.com and provide us with the requested screenshots.
Engaged Sweeper
One question, if I delete scanned computers, do you think it will remove the extra domains and second, will it remove comments and other information a server or workstation?
Lansweeper Alumni
What you are describing should not happen. Please contact us at support@lansweeper.com and provide us with screenshots of the following:
- Your web console landing page. You can access your landing page by clicking on the Lansweeper logo in the top left corner of the web console. Please show us the whole page.
- The computers contained in one "faulty" domain entry. Click on the name of the domain and show us the computer overview.
Engaged Sweeper
the domain listed with the netbios name is correct, the domain listed as an fqdn is a duplicated and is showing incorrect information. I want to remove the domain with the fqdn.

computers servers n/a non_active
xyz 100 75 10 20
abc 200 45 11 15
fgh 125 200 25 5

xyz.mydomain123.com 21 4
abc.mydomain456.com 21 4
fgh.mydomain789.com 21 4

the domain abc.mydomain456.com and fgh.mydomain789.com scanned only the xyz.mydomain123.com and reflects the same computers and count of them

I hope this makes sense.
Lansweeper Alumni
Could you clarify why you want to remove the domain from the domain overview?
Engaged Sweeper
Then can it be removed if we go into the database and if so how.
This is a serious flaw.
Lansweeper Alumni
This is not currently possible, unless you remove all computers contained in the domain from your database. The domain overview is automatically generated based on domains/workgroups that have been detected and cannot currently be manually altered.


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