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Engaged Sweeper II

I am trying to deploy packages from our main lansweeper server. We have 9 different environments and DNS is not replicating throughout the environments. We have audit servers in each environment. The problem is when I try to deploy a package outside of the main location it always fails. I believe this is because the deployment is trying to use the FQDN to push the package. I need an option to push by IP. I found this comment on a thread from 12/2014 by Susan.A:

Lansweeper will connect to the computer name, not the IP, when performing a deployment. Successful DNS resolution is therefore a requirement for a successful deployment. Development indicates that they are working on an IP based deployment option, but do not currently have a release date for this.

Please let me know if there is a release for this option or if there is a way I can configure it on my current setup. My build is v.6042

Thank you


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