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Engaged Sweeper
I have created a startup.vbs script and added it to the GPO but for some reason it isn't being processed. Here's what the startup.vbs script looks like:

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.run "\\DomainController\netlogon\LSclient.exe lansweeper 9524",0

Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance.
Engaged Sweeper
I figured it out. The firewall rule wasn't being applied on the PC running Lansweeper.

Engaged Sweeper
Yes, lansweeper is the name of the PC the lansweeper software is installed on.

Whenever I manually run the startup.vbs script from another PC, no errors are returned but the PC doesn't show up in lansweeper.

The LSclient.exe file is in the \Netlogon directory.

The GPO is being applied and processed. It makes no difference to run gpoupdate /force.
Lansweeper Alumni

Some questions:

Is "lansweeper" the name of the server?
Have you copied lsclient.exe to domaincontroller\netlogon?
When you manually try to run lsclient, does it work?

You can see the list op applied GPO's on the client with "gpresult"
You can force to apply the policies with "gpupdate /force"


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