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Engaged Sweeper III
We are planning to format the server where currently Lansweeper was. I have successfully installed Lansweeper on our new server. I did not want to backup and restore the database on new server, cause there are many computers in our AD who are inactive for long time, soo this way I did not want to hold this computers who were still in old database.

The problem that I'm having is, that after I have copied user pictures from an old server to new one, the pictures are not working. Maybe there is a problem because of a different version of server OS. Old server is 32-bit 2003srv and new one is 2008 r2 x64.

I have copied the hole content of folder:

C:\Program Files\lansweeper32\website\userpictures

to new server:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Website\userpictures

What else should I need to do?
Engaged Sweeper III
With lansweeper support department and remote session we have found out that user picture are taken by exact username of a domain user.
I guess a collegaue in work has edited the previous lansweeper website aspx to take name and surname of user instead of just his domain name.

Case closed. thanks lansweeper.

with best regards,
Lansweeper Alumni
Engaged Sweeper III
What is your e-mail address?
Lansweeper Alumni
Please contact us by e-mail for this problem (and double check the ntfs permissions on the jpg files)
Engaged Sweeper III
Security and sharing permission are the same as on old server.
Lansweeper Alumni
Check the NTFS permissions on the copied files and directories and make sure "everyone" has full control.


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