I'm sorry for the delay, but here goes a way to measure transfer speeds.
On a server run the server part (I run it on a rdp session, on the autorun of my user, on Server1):
NetCPS.exe -server
On the Lansweeper custom action add this:
\\server\share$\Lansweeper\psexec.exe \\{computer} -c \\server\share$\Lansweeper\netcps.exe Server1
you will need psexec as you can see... and the measurement will be on the "Server1" like this:
NetCPS 1.0 - Entering server mode. Press ^C to quit
Waiting for new connection...
Client connected from 10.xx.xx.xx
---> CPS 6660096.00 KPS: 6504.00 MPS: 6.35
Avrg CPS 7794365.50 KPS: 7611.69 MPS: 7.43
Peek CPS 8806400.00 KPS: 8600.00 MPS: 8.40
Client disconnected. 104857600 Kb transferred in 13.45 seconds.
Waiting for new connection...
I usually have predefined computers that I need to test, so I do it this way:
FOR /F %%a in (speedtest.txt) Do \\server\share$\Lansweeper\psexec.exe \\%%a -c \\server\share$\Lansweeper\netcps.exe Server1
When I run the batch file speedtest.bat I collect all the connection speeds I need.