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Engaged Sweeper
I have active scanning enabled for a few domains which is working well, but one of the domains has started reporting 45 out of the 47 computers as non-active, and I'm not sure what the reason might be. When I look at one of the non-active computers it says it was last seen today, so it can't be that it hasnt been seen for 90 days. I do have the option ticked to set as non-active if disabled in AD, but none of the computers are disabled. I also had the option ticked to set as non-active if not found in AD - but I tried unchecking this and rescanning the computers but still no change.

The only other thing to note is that when I go to save the credential for this domain it says it cant be validated, so I uncheck the box to validate credentials - but it still seems to be able to scan the computers in that domain ok. The account being used has Domain Admin rights, and as mentioned above, there are 2 computers that are still "active".

I guess my two main questions would be:
1. When there are multiple rules that could set a computer to non-active, is there any logging that can be checked to see which rule applied the change?
2. How can I fix this problem in my case?

Engaged Sweeper
Thanks, must have overlooked that option! Computers are now starting to appear as active again.
Lansweeper Alumni
1. When there are multiple rules that could set a computer to non-active, is there any logging that can be checked to see which rule applied the change?

There is no such logging to see the rule
2. How can I fix this problem in my case?

You can check the first checkbox: automatically make computers active when they are rescanned.


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