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Engaged Sweeper II
I noticed that the report "Software by publisher" software "Sun Microsystems"
wrong total count.

as shown in the image in total:
Java (TM) 6 Update 21 to 2, but if I press on Java (TM) 6 Update 21 report from the Software for Java (TM) 6 Update 21 to 15 items found

I hope I have explained well the problem
Engaged Sweeper II
Which is the version that you have?

In the data I have, I can see the same for Quicktime 7 with publisher "Apple Inc." and one with an empty publisher.
Can you confirm this?

Yes! on Software report for QuickTime - 8 items found:
7 not version e not publisher (sorry I had not noticed that was missing the publisher, i saw him going into the details of Software report for workstation)
1 yes version ( and publisher is "Apple Inc."

In the data we use for testing I can find 2 different sun publishers:
Sun Microsystems, Inc
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
(The last one with a ".")
can you search the software overview page (ctrl+f) for other instances of the java update.

looking more closely I discovered that the latest version of Java as a producer: oracle.
I find under Software publisher overview
Oracle (1): Java(TM) 6 Update 21 (22) right.
but 2 installation of "Java(TM) 6 Update 21" as publishers: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
sorry! the installation of 2 "Sun .." was done by hand and not through group policy, it is correct, no mistake lansweeper !
Lansweeper Alumni
In the data I have, I can see the same for Quicktime

7 with publisher "Apple Inc." and one with an empty publisher.

Can you confirm this?
Lansweeper Alumni
In the data we use for testing I can find 2 different sun publishers:

Sun Microsystems, Inc
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

(The last one with a ".")

can you search the software overview page (ctrl+f) for other instances of the java update.
Lansweeper Alumni
Which is the version that you have?
Lansweeper Alumni
I'll try to reproduce this.
Lansweeper Alumni
Can you check if the publisher is exactly the same on these computers.
Are there non-active computers in this list?
Lansweeper wrote:
Can you check if the publisher is exactly the same on these computers.
Are there non-active computers in this list?

thanks for the reply

1) I check, and the publisher is exactly (deployment with group policy ".msi")
2) No in this list are not present non-active computer

I have other controls and other software deployment with group policy (ex. Adobe Reader 9.3.4 or Outlook Connector for MDaemon Plug-in) the count is correct.

I can give you an example with a software not installed with group policy:
Software publisher overview
Apple Inc. (3)
Apple Application Support (1) - RIGHT!
Apple Software Update (1) - RIGHT!
QuickTime (1) - BAD
if click on QuickTime = Software report for QuickTime - 8 items found check the publisher is exactly

I would not be wrong, but the count has been busted since I did upgrade to the latest version of Lansweeper

I can think of: lansweeper completely uninstall everything and its DB and reinstall everything.


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