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Engaged Sweeper II

I am trying to build a report that will tell me if a system has a process running or not.

I can write a report that show me if a process is running, and also if a system is missing a process, but I am stumbling on the syntax of writing a report that tells me both states. e.g. - Yes or No.

Example output I am trying to get

Asset Name, Process Name, Process Running?

JoesComputer, SCCM, Running -or- JoesComputer, SCCM, Not Running

tables are tblAssets and tblProcesses

Here's my current non-working train wreck

Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetUnique,
Case When Where tblAssets.AssetName Not In (Select tblAssets.AssetName From tblProcesses
Where tblProcesses.Caption = 'CCMExec.exe') Then 'No') (When (Where tblAssets.AssetName In (Select tblAssets.AssetName From tblProcesses
Where tblProcesses.Caption = 'CCMExec.exe') Then 'Yes') As [Status],
From tblAssets
Inner Join tblProcesses On tblAssets.AssetID = tblProcesses.AssetID

Thanks much in advance....


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