I wrote the following script and replaced the default one (unlock.vbs)
If WScript.Arguments.Count = 1 Then
struser= WScript.Arguments(0)
Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & struser)
end if
if objUser.IsAccountLocked = TRUE then
objUser.IsAccountLocked = FALSE
MsgBox objUser.Name & ": This account was locked. UNLOCK SUCCESSFUL!"
MsgBox objUser.Name & ": This account was not locked out"
end if
This script will check the account in AD and unlock it.
It will popup a notifier box to alert you if the account was previous locked with the response "This account was locked. UNLOCK SUCCESSFUL!" If the account was not unlocked it responds with "This account was not locked out"
Is there any way for Lansweeper to detect if the account is locked out when you bring up the User details page? I would love to see a RED X Next to the username showing the helpdesk that the account is locked out.