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Engaged Sweeper
We're in the process of implementing a new monitoring solution throughout our global environment. That said, we want to keep track of which nodes are monitored in the new solution (vs the old in some cases) so we have a custom field (Custom6 to be exact) where we labeled it "Monitored by:" and have the old and new monitoring systems entries there. Right now, once we add a node to the monitoring system we have to go into the asset in Lansweeper, edit the asset, change the value (Dropdown) and then save the asset to update it. What I'm hoping to accomplish is creating a custom action which you can click when you're in the asset's main page that will go out and do those steps for you.

Any help would be appreciated. I searched around for awhile but it doesn't seem there are many whom are looking to just update Lansweepers information through a custom action.