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Engaged Sweeper
Is it possible to run this in an environment where SQL Authentication is not allowed? I tried created my LSuser as a domain account and gave it access to the Lansweeper database, but I get "Login failed for user ... The user is not associated with a trused SQL Server connection." Any ideas?
Lansweeper Alumni
Change your website to only integrated security (no anonymous access)

Make sure that your username has access to the folder with the webfiles and to the sql database.
Engaged Sweeper
The problem is not running the service, I'm running that with a domain account. Its with the lansweeper web site trying to access the sql server. It seems to only work with a SQL Authentication account. Do you know if its possible to make the web console connect to the SQL server via a domain account?
craftsman wrote:
The problem is not running the service, I'm running that with a domain account. Its with the lansweeper web site trying to access the sql server. It seems to only work with a SQL Authentication account. Do you know if its possible to make the web console connect to the SQL server via a domain account?

This answer is no! Not that I know of anyway. You might be able to do this if you run the application pool as the same windows user that also has access to the db, but I'm not sure. Why would you want to access it as a domain account anyway?
Lansweeper Alumni
You can run the service using NT authentication without any problems

Example :
integrated security=SSPI;data source="";persist security info=False;initial catalog=Lansweeper

If you want to use it with the website, you have to use NT authentication on your website or as an alternative give the web anonymous account access to your database (not recommended)