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Engaged Sweeper II

Hello everyone,

Does anyone have a way to auto-update my install files for Lansweeper Deployments?

I saw a 2015 lansweeper post that mentioned this was in the works, but don't know what the status is.

I am looking to supplement Lansweeper with PDQ Deploy if this is not possible, but would like to avoid doing that.

Lansweeper Tech Support
Lansweeper Tech Support

Hello there!

This feature is on our customer wishlist but not in active development. As we move forward, software deployment will remain available through the local web console, but we will focus on working with specialized technology vendors on integrations with their platforms.

Champion Sweeper

We had the same need and had to go with a 3rd party solution.  Patch management 

I wish this was something LS offered  but this is one of many longstanding feature requests that has yet to be implemented.

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