For the past two months, my Adobe Acrobat Reader deployment package has been failing on many, but not all systems. All other packages have deployed to these same systems with no problem. The failure message is usually this 1603 error:
Result: Deployment ended: Fatal error during installation.. Stop(Failure). Credential: (<domain>\<user>). ShareCredential: (<Domain>\Lansweeper).
Command: msiexec.exe /i "\\<HOST>\DefaultPackageShare$\Installers\AcroRdr\AcroPro.msi" /norestart /qn
though sometimes it is a 1620 error.
In testing, I have had the deployment succeed on one computer and fail on another. Then, after reinstalling the installation files on my host, it failed on the first and succeeded on the other.
Occasionally this happens with other deployment packages, but only occasionally. With Acrobat, it is more the norm. All deployment packages use the same credentials. This package worked very consistently up until this started.
I see in another thread ( that there was a deployment issue uncovered about the time this behavior started. Does this issue also cause the 1603 errors?