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Engaged Sweeper II

Currently having issues with assets missing Quickfix data. I've built a report to ensure we have no machines in our estate missing KB4012212 due to the recent WCrypt craziness however it is full of false positives due to some assets having no Quickfix data.

Has anyone came across this before? I've had a look through the community and couldn't see anything similar. Any advice is greatly appreciated.


Quickfix data missing:
Quickfix Data Missing

Quickfix data:
Quickfix data
Lansweeper Alumni
If you require further assistance with the WannaCry report or Windows updates not being scanned, please contact us via email at and provide a description of the problem. It will be a lot easier to troubleshoot if everyone submits their own support ticket, so we can look at each individual case. The cause of the issue may not be the same for everyone.

I'm going to lock this topic for now, just because it's become too long and confusing to comment on. If you contact us via email, we would be happy to troubleshoot from there. If you mention this forum topic in your email, we'll also be happy to post the conclusion of our support conversation in this forum topic, once your ticket is resolved.

View solution in original post

Lansweeper Alumni
If you require further assistance with the WannaCry report or Windows updates not being scanned, please contact us via email at and provide a description of the problem. It will be a lot easier to troubleshoot if everyone submits their own support ticket, so we can look at each individual case. The cause of the issue may not be the same for everyone.

I'm going to lock this topic for now, just because it's become too long and confusing to comment on. If you contact us via email, we would be happy to troubleshoot from there. If you mention this forum topic in your email, we'll also be happy to post the conclusion of our support conversation in this forum topic, once your ticket is resolved.
Champion Sweeper
You need to run the System Update Readiness tool on PCs which don't have QuickFix data.
Engaged Sweeper III
poweld1 wrote:
You need to run the System Update Readiness tool on PCs which don't have QuickFix data.

But the updates did not fail to install and did in fact install with out prior errors?
Engaged Sweeper II
I may be missing something, but I had to use tblQuickFixEngineeringhist to get some of the patches that were installed back in March (when the initial one was released)....

Couldn't find any way to comment/reply on the initial posting, so doing so here.

Hope that helps.
Engaged Sweeper III
You can put the WMIC query in an asset action too. Here's the code:

cmd.exe /K wmic /node:"{smartname}" qfe | findstr "KB4012598 KB4012212 KB4012215 KB4015549 KB4019264 KB4012214 KB4012217 KB4015551 KB4019216 KB4012213 KB4012216 KB4015550 KB4019215 KB4012606 KB4015221 KB4019474 KB4013198 KB4015219 KB4019473 KB4015438 KB4015217 KB4019472"

I find this useful for querying individual assets.
Engaged Sweeper III
If you want to see just active and seen in the last X days i added this:
tblAssets.Lastseen >= DateAdd(day, -30, GetDate()) And
tsysAssetTypes.AssetTypename Like 'Windows%' And tblAssetCustom.State = 1
Engaged Sweeper III
I am having this same problem, it seems quickfix is not showing the installed updates?

Example server:
First seen: 08/02/2016 07:47:49
Last seen: 05/15/2017 12:23:35 (about 3 mins ago)

wmic path Win32_QuickFixEngineering >lansweeperwmi.txt N**-DISCOVERY Update KB3210132 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 1/6/2017 N**-DISCOVERY Update KB3210135 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 1/23/2017 N**-DISCOVERY Update KB4014551 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 4/29/2017 N**-DISCOVERY Update KB4014567 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 4/29/2017 N**-DISCOVERY Update KB4015553 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 4/29/2017

But, according to Windows:

So something is not being properly scanned or located.
Engaged Sweeper II
SystemsIT wrote:
I am having this same problem, it seems quickfix is not showing the installed updates?

Example server:
First seen: 08/02/2016 07:47:49
Last seen: 05/15/2017 12:23:35 (about 3 mins ago)

wmic path Win32_QuickFixEngineering >lansweeperwmi.txt N**-DISCOVERY Update KB3210132 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 1/6/2017 N**-DISCOVERY Update KB3210135 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 1/23/2017 N**-DISCOVERY Update KB4014551 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 4/29/2017 N**-DISCOVERY Update KB4014567 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 4/29/2017 N**-DISCOVERY Update KB4015553 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 4/29/2017

But, according to Windows:

So something is not being properly scanned or located.

Can confirm, this is the issue i'm having as well. I've checked wmic path Win32_QuickFixEngineering and have plenty of results however Lansweeper holds no Quickfix data for the same asset.

Lansweeper Alumni
We've intentionally included assets of all states (not only active) to avoid potentially omitting vulnerable computers. That said, we are constantly adjusting the report to be more accurate, though we are leaning on the safe side as we'd rather have false positives then to let a computer slip through the cracks. The current version of the report in this post excludes Windows 10 computers on the Creator Update as they're deemed safe.

Regarding the Config\Windows\Quickfix information being blank on certain computers, if you've recently rescanned the "Quickfix" item on the computer, for instance via the Rescan Asset button which overrides scanned item intervals, the data should reflect what is found on the local computer. If you run the command below in an elevated CMD on the local computer in question you can verify the data, as Lansweeper scans KB information from this WMI class (Win32_QuickFixEngineering)

wmic path Win32_QuickFixEngineering

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