I am attempting to run my first deployment. I am getting this error, and don't understand what to do next.
Result: Deployment ended: Incorrect function. Stop(Failure). Credential: (Service account - NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM). ShareCredential: (<mydomain>\<my_account>).
for BOTH of these commands.
Command: "\\<my_server>\DefaultPackageShare$\Installers\Lansweeper\LansweeperSetup.exe" /silent /notools /accepteula /upgrade
=> the LANSWEEPER folder is missing from this location = "DefaultPackageShare$\Installers\"
=> I get "permission denied" if I try to add folder, to then add EXE to that folder.
=> the <mydomain>\<my_account> is configured in LS to use the share
Command: "D:\Installs$\LANSWEEPER\INSTALL_LANSWEEPER\\LansweeperSetup_5_3_0_8.exe" /silent /notools /accepteula /upgrade
=> so I tried pointing here, where I downloaded the file to, from the LS site.
I am logged onto this server as the <mydomain>\<my_account> account.