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Engaged Sweeper III
This question is to fix an issue that I currently have, but also just to get an answer if I have a similar problem later on.

For my issue I have MatLab that I need to replace an updated license file (network.lic) for the computers that have it installed. The kicker of the scenario is that the license file is in multiple locations from the various versions of MatLab, as well as x86 and x64. So I would like to setup a deployment to find network.lic on any computer and replace it with an updated version I have on a network share, or just replace the content of the file with a copy/paste from the new file. I've thought of a few possible ways to do this with various tools, but I'm trying to find the best way for it to work within LS.
Champion Sweeper II
you can accomplish that by using the copy script to get licence file to local directory on PC and run simple "FOR" command

for /r c:\installationdir %d in (network.lic) do @if exist "%d" copy /y C:\templocation\network.lic "%d"

hope this helps