We're having many deployment issues after the upgrade..then after applying this last "fix" as well! I had to disable all our deployments as some were randomly kicking off against random assets when I'd deploy a different package to a single asset!
Even with all our deployment packages disabled except for 1. I just kicked off a deployment for package "A" against asset "1". Lansweeper then tried to deploy package "A" to asset "1"...along with package "B" to asset "2". WTF! Asset 2 has never had that deployment package as it would break asset 2! Luckily the deployment failed.
But wtf!
Lansweeper support has instructed us to delete 3 sql tables to "clear" all the deployments. Then restart the scanner server services. We tried that. Upon doing that and then sending another deployment to a pc, random deployments started trying to run again! We found scheduled tasks on some of the assets from previous deployment attempts during this cluster and deleted them. So when these new random deployments are trying, we can't blame previous scheduled tasks that were already deployed.
They have a major bug here!