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Engaged Sweeper II

We're having trouble with Deployments where they simply stop processing anything. It's almost as if there is a deadlock condition. Several times each day, I've been resorting to stopping the Lansweeper service, clearing deployment logs, and starting the service again. We've increased the RAM to 16 GB, but that hasn't increased the stability of deployments. I've tried submitting fewer deployments at a time, but eventually it still stops working.

What else can I try?

Engaged Sweeper

We've been dealing with this issue for years. There is no fix. We have been back and forth with LS support. Reduce deployment threads, clear the tables, reboot the clients, restart services, rinse & repeat daily... That's always the response.

Champion Sweeper

Have you tried testing the deployment to a smaller batch of machines to ensure that the deployment is successful in the first place? It's possible that the deployment is requiring user intervention to proceed. Might prove useful to roll it out in batches to potentially identify problematic devices first.

Additionally, the deployments may be trying to perform a WOL check and waiting an obscene amount of time for the machine to turn back on. OR the devices its attempting to deploy to may even be offline.

Definitely reach out to support and supply more specifics here so that future users may have a reference.

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LS Tech Support Email: Support@lansweeper.com
LS Tech Support KB: https://www.lansweeper.com/contact-support/
Engaged Sweeper II

We have seen the "Performing preliminary checks." stuck queue problem even when deploying to what I would call small batches of machines (less than 20 at a time). User intervention is not required on these deployments. It isn't a problem with the end-user device because if I clear the queue and restart the service, I can deploy to the same end-user device without a problem. We don't use WOL - because it doesn't work most of the time.

For example, I deployed to my own desktop yesterday. It got stuck on this deployment that had a time limit of 30 minutes. After about an hour, I restarted the lansweeper service and resubmitted the deployment with no issues.

Scan Server resources aren't being maxed out?

Kind of sounds like it could also be a communication issue to the end devices. I know that Lansweeper would/should log an error if that was the case however.

Are you using the Package Share deployment path with credentials? Normally, Lansweeper would pop an error if the end device was unable to access the Package Share location.



-Don't forget to hand out Kudos and mark Solutions to replies you receive!-
LS Tech Support Email: Support@lansweeper.com
LS Tech Support KB: https://www.lansweeper.com/contact-support/
Engaged Sweeper II

CPU and RAM on scan server aren't stressed at all.

Unlikely to be a communications issue since the deployment works correctly when I resubmit it after restarting the lansweeper service.

We use the normal {Package Share} \ Installers for most deployments. In this particular example of deploying to my own desktop it didn't require a share since the Action on the first step was MSIUninstaller.

Lansweeper Tech Support
Lansweeper Tech Support

Hello there!

We would recommend getting in touch with support so they can have a look at this: https://www.lansweeper.com/contact-support/

Engaged Sweeper II

Here's a recent example. I cleared the deployment queue at around 09:30. It stopped processing anything at 09:50 with 7 deployments still pending out of 33 that were submitted during that 20 minute time span. It's been almost an hour since it has done anything, so I'm killing it again.

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