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Engaged Sweeper II
Currently when a new ticket comes in all of our help desk agents receive an email about it, great and that's exactly what we want. However, we have no way of knowing who picked up that ticket without looking at the ticket in Lansweeper.

How can we make it so all the agents get an email when someone picks up or is assigned a ticket? Currently looking at the outgoing email templates and the only thing I see is "Agent assigned (Sent to User)".
Engaged Sweeper
@Chad Could you provide that SQL query for research purposes lol.
Engaged Sweeper
Looking to switch from Spiceworks and emailing the agents when a ticket is assigned is an important one for us. Does anyone know if there is an update on this? I would also like that SQL query if anyone is willing to share that info
Engaged Sweeper
Do you have an example SQL uery?
Engaged Sweeper
I was able to write an SQL query that emails our IT Help Desk team when a ticket is assigned. I wrote it to have the TicketID, Time Opened, Time Assigned, Ticket Subject, User, Agent Assigned, Ticket State and Ticket Category. I have mine running every minute to see if there is a ticket assigned, this does send an email if a ticket is reassigned as well.

I agree that it should be already implemented, but an SQL query can do so.
Engaged Sweeper III
Thanks for the update.
Engaged Sweeper II
I also sent this to Lansweeper support and this isn't something currently possible. Below is their response:

Thank you for contacting Lansweeper support.

Unfortunately, as you've noticed, there are currently no reply types for sending a template to an agent's team other than those for ticket creations and team changes. As more types of outgoing email templates has been requested by other users in the past, we've added this ticket to our customer wish list to add more weight to the feature request. Features on the customer wish list are prioritized based on a combination of customer demand and difficulty to implement. As such we can unfortunately not guarantee this will be implemented or provide you with an expected release date.
Engaged Sweeper III
New to Lansweeper and looking for the same thing myself. If we get a ticket email while we are on the road and not at our desks we have no way of knowing if someone else picked up the ticket.

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