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Champion Sweeper
Good Morning!

With the recent ZeroDay bug in Flash, I am interested in a silent flash updater for both the NAPI and activex plugins.

I did a search but was unable to locate a currently written installer.

I have contacted Adobe about getting access to the msi files, which I am under the impression are required for silent installs.

Does anyone have a currently functioning install package for Adobe Flash?

Engaged Sweeper III
We have one that installs everything based does a lot.

Copy the code to a text file and rename the extension to .xml
You'll need to either copy our folder structure, or rework it to suit yours.
Then we set a schedule and forget it. WE make changes to the versions in the deployment steps each time.

Copy text below and save as .xml, import in.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Name>Copy - MSI: Adobe Flash</Name>
<Description>This package:

Uninstalls all Flash software first using the flash uninstaller from adobe
correct switches are /uninstall /force and can push silent update (not done)

Installs Adobe Flash
PPAPI (Chrome and Opera)
NPAPI (Win7 to Win10 and Firefox)
ActiveX (Win7)
<Name>Check - Flash Install File PPAPI</Name>
<SpecOne>{packageshare}\installers\adobe flash\</SpecOne>
<Name>Check - 32/64bit OS</Name>
<Name>Check - 32bit OS Flash PPAPI</Name>
<Name>Check - 32bit OS Flash Version</Name>
<Name>Check - 64bit OS Flash PPAPI</Name>
<Name>Check - 64bit OS Flash Version</Name>
<Name>Uninstall - Adobe Flash All Types and Versions</Name>
<Path>{PackageShare}\Installers\Adobe Flash\uninstall_flash_player.exe</Path>
<MSIParameters>/i /qn /norestart</MSIParameters>
<Command>"{PackageShare}\Installers\Adobe Flash\uninstall_flash_player.exe" -uninstall</Command>
<Conditions />
<Name>Install - Flash EXE Active X msi</Name>
<Path>{PackageShare}\installers\adobe flash\install_flash_player_23_active_x.msi</Path>
<MSIParameters>/i /qn</MSIParameters>
<Command>msiexec.exe /i "{PackageShare}\installers\adobe flash\install_flash_player_23_active_x.msi" /qn</Command>
<Conditions />
<Name>Install - Flash NPAPI (plugin) Win 7-10</Name>
<Path>{PackageShare}\installers\adobe flash\install_flash_player_23_plugin.msi</Path>
<MSIParameters>/i /qn</MSIParameters>
<Command>msiexec.exe /i "{PackageShare}\installers\adobe flash\install_flash_player_23_plugin.msi" /qn</Command>
<Conditions />
<Name>Install - Flash PPAPI Chrome</Name>
<Path>{PackageShare}\installers\adobe flash\install_flash_player_23_ppapi.msi</Path>
<MSIParameters>/i /qn</MSIParameters>
<Command>msiexec.exe /i "{PackageShare}\installers\adobe flash\install_flash_player_23_ppapi.msi" /qn</Command>
<Conditions />

Champion Sweeper III
Here is my report:
Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID,
From tblAssets
Inner Join tblSoftware On tblAssets.AssetID = tblSoftware.AssetID
Inner Join tblSoftwareUni On tblSoftware.softID = tblSoftwareUni.SoftID
Inner Join tblAssetCustom On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAssetCustom.AssetID
Where tblSoftwareUni.softwareName Like '%Adobe Flash Player __ ActiveX%' And
tblSoftware.softwareVersion Not Like '%' And tblAssetCustom.State =
Order By tblAssets.AssetID
Champion Sweeper III
Under Deployments > Schedules you can set up a "New Deployment Configuration" and you can schedule a deployment based on a report or group that will run a deployment after scanning. I have a report of all assets that are not on version **** so after scanning if they are in that report it will run the deployment.

When a new version comes out, I update the version and the package and everyone gets it.
Champion Sweeper
I use the after scan deployment and a report for Flash and Java to keep them updated.

Could you elaborate on that?
Champion Sweeper III
Yeah, I would start using the MSI you just have to sign up for their program. It's free.

You could run both the command and the EXE uninstaller and just have the fail command as next, this should get you going right away.

I use the after scan deployment and a report for Flash and Java to keep them updated.
Champion Sweeper
Yep, testing it as working right now. Looks good. Once I get it 100% confirmed, and I get the most up to date msi files from Adobe (hoping SOON) then I can post my entire deployment string for future users.
Champion Sweeper III
Here is an uninstall from Adobe for the EXE version:

Run it with -uninstall
Champion Sweeper
Step one is the uninstall for all old versions, but I THINK you have to have installed it with the MSI for it to work, but I have not tested that.

Confirmed that it will remove versions that were installed with an MSI, but will throw a "No Instance(s) Available." if they were installed as an EXE.

Continuing testing now.
Champion Sweeper III
Step one is the uninstall for all old versions, but I THINK you have to have installed it with the MSI for it to work, but I have not tested that.

Step one:
wmic product where "name like 'Adobe Flash%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive

msiexec.exe /i "<path>\ActiveX.msi" /norestart /qn

msiexec.exe /i "<path>\tt\software_source\Adobe\Flash\Plugin.msi" /norestart /qn