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‎05-04-2023 03:35 PM
Hi guys
Is it possible to make the SLA of a ticket update when its category is changed?
We currently have an issue where our users will email us to log tickets, which puts it in our "Unsorted" category. This category has an intentionally low SLA on first response and completion (because for example, an outage shouldn't be sitting uncategorized for 30+ minutes).
When our analysts pick up the ticket and change the category; it is stuck with the SLA of the first category it receives; which by default is our Unsorted one. One also can't apply a preset SLA; going through to 'Action > Change > Change SLA' only gives the option to manually enter new first response and completion times, as opposed to applying that already exists. This is causing issues with our reporting, which we are hoping to resolve.
Is there by any chance a way to achieve SLA updates by category allocation, or if not, is there a workaround?
Any and all help is appreciated.
‎05-08-2023 12:01 PM
Hello there!
Unfortunately, there is currently no option to update the SLA when the category is changed.
‎05-09-2023 05:17 PM
Thanks for confirming.
Are there ways of applying a pre-made SLA to a ticket after it's been created? To apply a new one, I can only see and find the ability to manually enter new times, rather than setting one of our pre-made ones?
Otherwise, are there any workarounds for SLA adjustment that aren't entering the new Response Time, and Resolution Time for each ticket?
‎05-11-2023 09:01 AM
Hello there!
Unfortunately, there are currently no other options or workarounds available.
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