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‎05-11-2022 10:34 AM
‎05-11-2023 08:54 AM
This is still the case. Our proxy is not under our own control (government) so we have no way of using the cloud service.
‎10-20-2022 10:27 AM
Hello there!
There is limited proxy support for our cloud platform. Syncing with the cloud platform requires an almost constant stream of data between your on-prem sync server and the cloud platform. To limit bottlenecks and ensure future readiness, Lansweeper only allows syncing to the cloud platform when using HTTP2-enabled proxies.
If your Lansweeper installation uses a proxy connection for outbound traffic, make sure HTTP2 is enabled or create an exception rule so that your Lansweeper sync server can bypass the proxy for edge.lansweeper.com.
‎10-19-2022 10:52 PM
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