39. When an agent gets auto assigned from Default Agent column at Ticket Type settings, a new ticket of the type opened gets the status In Progress instead of open.
This will probably not be changed. The standard state for an unassigned ticket is Open. If a ticket gets assigned (agent needs to start working on it) then the state goes to In Progress. Dispatching conditions might be improved on (6.1 or 6.2), giving you this possibility, but this is still a long way off.
40. Rules for custom fields: When a specific drop down value is selected, another field is pre-calculated (like End Date=90 days from today)
Will be discussed with our development team, but chances are this will be too specific to implement.
41. Rules for custom fields: When a combination of values is selected (like Type=Contractor and Access=Network) a cascading field appears (like Explanation)
This will probably not be implemented. You could achieve something like this by first selecting Contractor, which makes Access appear, then selecting Network, which makes Explanation appear.
42. Can an option to automatically set a specific subject line when a specific ticket type is selected?
Added to the wishlist, low priority.
43. Can or will there be the ability for the Helpdesk software to be used on a smartphone? Will the Tech's be able to review, edit, update and close tickets via a smartphone?
This is already on the wishlist, but chances are slim this will be in an upcoming version (6.1 or 6.2).