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Engaged Sweeper


We have a complex infrastructure and are scanning it with Lansweeper both with IP and through VMware vCenter.

Many of our servers are listed twice in Lansweeper, with different unique keys as it seems Lansweeper's unique key depends of the scanning method.   How can we avoid that ?


Engaged Sweeper

Thank you for your reply.

My problem is that I need Windows scan because it gather valuable data we use in other processes, but as our infrastructure contains other type of devices, or devices where we do not have system access (black boxes from suppliers) we also perform vCenter scans to gather (limited) information for these...

I would expect lansweeper, when scanning same machine with the two different methods, to detect that the MAC Adresses are the same and avoid creating two entries in its DB...


Honored Sweeper II

I scan only esxi. 

It's more stable and there is no reset scanned info.