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Engaged Sweeper
Hello everybody !

I would like to know how to easily update my production environment with my development environment data ?

I make my ajustments on my dev environment then (after validation) I would like to update my prod environment.

=> how can I do it ?

Ideally, it should be usable with script (integration with Jenkins).

I'm only using the scanning and inventory functionalities.

My idea was to use the "assets export to .csv" function then import this .csv on my prod environment but I encountered some errors (wrong format, domain column missing...).

Both of my environment are in version.

Thank you in advance !


Engaged Sweeper
Thank you for your reply !

Glad to see that this feature is a thing and is planned !

I'll use another trick to update my data...thank you for the changelog link !
Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
Unfortunately updating assets by making use of the import option is not yet possible in Lansweeper. Currently importing assets via the .csv file is designed only for importing new assets. The option to update assets with a .csv file is however in active development and will be implemented in a future update. Unfortunately we can't give an estimated release date for when this update will be released and we would advice to keep an eye on the changelog on our website.
Engaged Sweeper
First, thank you for your reply ! 🙂

I don't want to import additionnal data but to correct existing data previously scanned by Lansweeper.

In our process our Lansweeper-scanned data are then exported to Itop in order to populate our "CMDB" (and then pushed in our monitoring system in order to automatically add this assets in the check process).

Thereby, we need to have the most reliable data at the source : Lansweeper.

For example our NetApp storage filer were scanned as "web server" : we correct it at the source (in Lansweeper) then the asset list in Itop (our CMDB) is automatically updated with the daily scan result of Lansweeper. Finally, this (corrected) data are pushed in our monitoring system with the correct asset type allowing our monitoring system to automatically apply the right assets selection (not the same for Linux, Windows, storage filer or Exchange for example !).

After all this reflection, maybe we'll need to correct our data not in Lansweeper but directly in Itop ?
On the other hand ou wish is to correct our data closest to the source ("shit in = shit out"...).

I looked at the import template and it contains a "domain" column like my export...yes ! But when I want to import my results..."domain is missing" (tried in uppercase or lowercase).
I tried to directly import the import template but even it is in wrong format...??!!
So I give up this idea...

Thank you again !
Engaged Sweeper III
Honestly, I still don't fully understand what you are trying to do. What data specifically are you trying to transfer? The whole point of Lansweeper is to scan assets automatically. I'm having a hard time figuring out what kind of data would need to be manually imported.

As a side note, have you looked at the import template? Maybe the export doesn't format perfectly for import.
Engaged Sweeper
Anyone 😞 ?

Am I the only one with this need ?

I tried again to use the export -> import asset function with .csv file but "domain not found" or "wrong format" error...
Engaged Sweeper
Maybe a diagram can help 🙂

How to update my DEV Lansweeper data to my PROD Lansweeper ?

Thank you ! 🙂
Engaged Sweeper
I have 2 dedicated Lansweeper environment : 1 "development" and 1 "production".

Both have the same technical role : scan and inventory the network. I scan the network everyday at 12AM on both environment.

Both are used as assets source for our monitoring system wich also have 2 dev and prod environment.

However, if an error is returned by the scans (wrong asset name, wrong asset type...), I correct the information on the "development" environment.

After some tests and checks, I would like to push this changes on the prod development.

Is it ok for the explanations ?
Engaged Sweeper III
Honestly I have no idea what you are asking. What exactly are you trying to update?