10-08-2024 05:45 PM
This chart is showing no OS... Its been there for a long time. How can I find out what this is pointing to?
10-09-2024 12:10 PM
Try this report to check issue with scan Windows OS version:
Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID,
tblAssets1.AssetID As deviceassetid,
tblAssets1.AssetName As deviceassetname,
tblSNMPAssetMac.IfIndex As SwitchPort,
tblSNMPInfo.IfDescription As PortDescription,
tblSNMPInfo.IfSpeed / 1000000 As ifSpeedMb,
From tblAssets
Left Join tsysIPLocations On tsysIPLocations.LocationID = tblAssets.LocationID
Left Join tblSNMPAssetMac On tblAssets.Mac = tblSNMPAssetMac.AssetMacAddress
Left Join tblAssets tblAssets1 On tblAssets1.AssetID = tblSNMPAssetMac.AssetID
Left Join tblSNMPInfo On tblAssets1.AssetID = tblSNMPInfo.AssetID And
tblSNMPAssetMac.IfIndex = tblSNMPInfo.IfIndex
Where tblAssets.Assettype = -1 And IsNull(tblAssets.oscode, '') = ''
Order By tblAssets1.lastseen
10-09-2024 01:23 PM
Wow.. I have around 51 devices that show in that report. Does this report show scanning issues or just OS scanning issues?
10-11-2024 04:35 AM
It's complex. But simple rule:
If you have correct credentials, FW settings then you have to ensure that WMI works.
Credentials and FW settings are scanning issues.
Corrupted WMI is OS scanning issue.
LS has a lot of tools to debug issues:
1. errorlog with debug keys
2. test connection tool
3. Lansweeper.TestTools.App.exe
4. third side utilities to check WMI
10-08-2024 08:07 PM
Are you able to post the code for that chart?
10-09-2024 01:17 PM
It is one of the default widgets for the home page. Can you view the code for a default widget?
10-10-2024 06:02 PM
I guess I removed that widget from the default page. I added it in and looked at the code, but I didn't see anything wrong. Is it possible that you have a Windows 10 device in your database with a really early build?
10-10-2024 08:31 PM
I have gone through all of them in lansweeper and everything reporting to SCCM. I have some 21H2 LTSC OSs but everything else is 22H2 and up.
I even deleted the ones that were failing to scan in the report Mister_Nobody posted. For some reason its still there.
10-10-2024 08:36 PM
I wonder if an old PC left some data behind when it was deleted from your database, but I'd have to defer to someone more knowledgable about SQL on how to find it. Lansweeper support might be able to assist.
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