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Engaged Sweeper III
Hello everyone!

I am running LanSweeper, all of my HP computers warranty information is blank. How do I get LanSweeper to get all the warranty information?

Champion Sweeper III
Please try the latest version which now uses the HP webservice API to retrieve warranty data.

View solution in original post

Engaged Sweeper
it works now with version
add warranty on others devices such as monitor would be great
Champion Sweeper III
Please try the latest version which now uses the HP webservice API to retrieve warranty data.
Engaged Sweeper
Still not working for me
I retrieved the HYP from the database and got for example this one :
which works fine from a web browser

However I get following message in the "Error" column :
Lansweeper was unable to read the HP warranty page. If rescanning warranties does not resolve this issue, a proxy server may be blocking access or HP may be pointing to a blank or error page

I double check proxy settings and eveything is fine : I can see queries on the proxy log, and I've never had problemm with Dell warranty
Lansweeper Alumni
For HP warranty scanning issues, please do the following *before* contacting Lansweeper support:
  • Double-check your Lansweeper version number in the web console under Configuration/Scanning Setup/Your License. Make sure you are running, which uses a new link for HP warranty scanning.
  • Ensure that the "enable warranty tracking on this server" checkbox is checked under Configuration/Scanning Setup/Server Options. You only need to enable warranty scanning on one scanning server.
  • If you are using a proxy server, add your proxy settings in the Lansweeper web console under Configuration/Scanning Setup/Server Options. HP warranty information is pulled from by Lansweeper, though we are still testing other links/scripts that could potentially provide more accurate information.
  • Rescan warranties by clicking the Rescan All Asset Warranties Now button under Configuration/Scanning Setup/Server Options. Wait at least an hour for all scans to complete.

If warranty information is still missing or incorrect for some or all of your machines, run the report below. You can click on a link in the Hyp column to see the warranty page Lansweeper tried to read.
  • If the information listed on the HP warranty page does not match the information scanned by Lansweeper, warranty information may not have been rescanned since you updated Lansweeper or a proxy server may be blocking access to the warranty page. Check your proxy settings and rescan warranties.
  • If the HP website is producing a blank or error page or is listing incorrect information, the problem is HP and not Lansweeper. You can send the output of the report below to, so we can test other warranty links and see if they provide better information for your specific assets. If you know of a specific link that lists correct information, include it in your email. Do note that many HP links produce CAPTCHAs when repeatedly queried and cannot be used to scan warranty information.

Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID,
Case When tblAssetCustom.Model Is Null Or tblAssetCustom.Serialnumber Is Null
Or tblAssetCustom.SystemSKU Is Null Or tblAssetCustom.Model = '' Or
tblAssetCustom.Serialnumber = '' Or
tblAssetCustom.SystemSKU =
'' Then
'Warranty scanning not supported for this asset! Model, serial and SKU are required!' End As Comment,
'' + tblAssetCustom.Serialnumber + '%257C_productNumber%253D' + SubString(tblAssetCustom.SystemSKU, CharIndex('#', tblAssetCustom.SystemSKU) - 20, 20) + '%257C_op%253Dserial&javax.portlet.begCacheTok=com.vignette.cachetoken&javax.portlet.endCacheTok=com.vignette.cachetoken&sp4ts.oid=4091412&' + SubString(tblAssetCustom.SystemSKU, CharIndex('#', tblAssetCustom.SystemSKU) - 20, 20) + '&' + tblAssetCustom.Serialnumber As hyperlink_hyp,
'Link to HP warranty page: ' + tblAssetCustom.Serialnumber As
When tblWarranty.Error Like '%parsing error%' Then
'Lansweeper was unable to read the HP warranty page. If rescanning warranties does not resolve this issue, a proxy server may be blocking access or HP may be pointing to a blank or error page' End As Error,
tsysAssetTypes.AssetTypeIcon10 As icon
From tblAssets
Left Join tblWarranty On tblAssets.AssetID = tblWarranty.AssetId
Left Join tblAssetCustom On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAssetCustom.AssetID
Inner Join tsysAssetTypes On tsysAssetTypes.AssetType = tblAssets.Assettype
Where (tblAssetCustom.Manufacturer Like '%hewlett-packard%') Or
(tblAssetCustom.Manufacturer Like '%hp%')
Order By tblAssets.Domain,
Engaged Sweeper III
Hi, we are running 5227 which should ship a fix for HP warranty scanning. Unfortunately it does not pull any. We have installed a couple of DL380G9 and the warranty is not updating.
Engaged Sweeper III
Thank you for the update, I've sent a request in and will update with testing as soon as we receive the test build.

Running the test build currently and it is slowly pulling the HP warranty information now. So far I'm only seeing an issue pulling warranty information for the DC7900 models. The link provided by sukaitsu doesn't work for these models but the following link does:

Just found another issue with another model, the Elitebook 6930P models aren't getting looked up but can be looked up using the same link I provided for the DC7900s.

I can provided some serial numbers for testing if that would be helpful. So far these are the only models I'm seeing an issue with which we do not have many left of.
Champion Sweeper III
Please contact us at for a test build with updated urls
Engaged Sweeper III
I too am very much interested in HP warranty status information. I have few enough computers for now that I can manually run the info through HP's warranty check tool 10 at a time but having an automated solution would be great.

I did find a few links that may be helpful or at least relevant:
Spiceworks Automated HP Warranty feature request info:
A Python script someone was working on:
Automated HP Warranty lookup for SCCM:

This last one looks like it would be the most helpful one for Lansweeper to look at.
Getting HP Warranty info via the ISEE SOAP API:

Lansweeper Alumni
Development is still testing various links. We have no release date for a fix at this time.

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