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Engaged Sweeper II
Hello Folks,

Looks like scanning HP warranty on some devices is broken when we're scanning against the HPE database.
See this:

Parsing error: Cannot parse 'https://support.hpe.com/hpsc/wc/public/find?lang=us&rows%5B0%5D.item.countryCode=US&rows%5B0%5D.item.serialNumber=CNB7G7W36J'

If I manually copy the URL above and end up at the HPE site it states that:

"The information you provided does not match our records. Please review your entry again and make any necessary edits or contact HPE for more assistance."

If one uses the HP warranty check site (not HPE):


Its happy and doesn't produce any error, just provides the correct warranty details.

Is there a way to add an alternative warranty check URL to lansweeper?

Engaged Sweeper
i wrote for myself Powershell script to get all HP computers/laptop assets from DB, use Powershell module to get warranty info thru SOAP API and update asset in DB.

You will need these PS1 modules:

$assets = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance servername -Database lansweeperdb -Username lansweeperuser -Password 'password' -Query @"
SELECT a.AssetID, a.AssetName, b.Serialnumber, b.SystemSKU
FROM lansweeperdb.dbo.tblAssets a, lansweeperdb.dbo.tblAssetCustom b
WHERE a.AssetID = b.AssetID AND
a.Assettype = -1 AND
b.Warrantydate is NULL AND
b.Manufacturer in ('HP','Hewlett-Packard');

foreach ($asset in $assets) {
$assetId = $asset.AssetID
$assetName = $asset.AssetName

$warranty = ((Get-HPIncWarrantyEntitlement -SerialNumber $asset.SerialNumber -ProductNumber $asset.SystemSKU).OverallEntitlementEndDate | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum
Write-Output "$assetID $assetName $warranty"

Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance servername -Database lansweeperdb -Username lansweeperuser -Password 'password' -Query @"
UPDATE dbo.tblAssetCustom
SET Warrantydate = '$warranty'
WHERE assetID = $assetId

View solution in original post

Engaged Sweeper
I am not looking at my servers. I am looking at my desktops and laptops.
Engaged Sweeper
Trying out the script in #12. However it is only putting the date "1900-01-01" in the warranty. When I run the script, there is no error. Is there something that might need to be done to get this to work correctly, or has this script been shutdown too?

Engaged Sweeper
TBMPS wrote:
Trying out the script in #12. However it is only putting the date "1900-01-01" in the warranty. When I run the script, there is no error. Is there something that might need to be done to get this to work correctly, or has this script been shutdown too?


unfortunately, it works only for HP assets (desktops, laptops) but not for HPE assets (servers, switches etc) 😞
Engaged Sweeper
So strange that reply #12 from zaty works perfectly (in my environment) but that Lansweeper can't seem to get it working.
Well thanks zaty as I can use your work around for the time being 😉
Lansweeper Alumni
No news to share as of this moment unfortunately.
Engaged Sweeper
Are there any updates on this.
I know that Lansweeper was working on this, but I can't find any updates...
Champion Sweeper
This should be made a high priority. This has not been working for some time, and I am trying to do planning for next year and many of my devices have not been pulled in a long while. I am manually going through 1000 devices trying to enter the information.

Please fix ASAP.
Lansweeper Tech Support
Lansweeper Tech Support

We are indeed looking into this. We realize that warranty scanning is a valuable feature.
As this issue was initiated by changes made to the HP Warranty API, we are currently in communication with HP to find a solution to get this working again.
Engaged Sweeper

Are you currently investigating thsi issues? I have also submitted a ticket for this but no respnse.

I think 6 months of waiting is not good enough.

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