A final note for anyone that might be having a similar issue. After updating to 6.0.150 or higher, please ensure you manually trigger a warranty rescan of your assets. You can manually rescan your warranties in two ways:
- On the asset's page:

- In Configuration\Server Options:

By default warranties are only scanned once every 120 days. You can change this in Scanning\Scanned Item Interval. More info about the scanned item interval can be found in this knowledgebase article: https://www.lansweeper.com/kb/115/managing-how-often-specific-data-is-scanned.html
If you are still having issues with warranty scanning I would recommend sending an email our support team (support@lansweeper.com) with the following files:
- Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Service\Errorlog.txt, as present on your Lansweeper server.
- Screenshots of one problem client machine's Lansweeper webpage. Show the following tabs: Summary, Scan Time, Errors (if it exists).
- An Excel output of the built-in report "Assets: Warranty scanning errors"
Our support team will be able to test the functionality of the warranty scanning and if needed forward information to the development team.