CyberCitizen wrote:
Are you talking O365?
I am deploying it using the following.
"{PackageShare}\Office 365\2016\OfficeProPlus\setup.exe" /configure "{PackageShare}\Office 365\2016\OfficeProPlus\Office365ProPlusInstall - Silent.xml"
All run from the server.
Hmm, I am doing as a command line.
\\server\Deploy\Applications\Office365\setup.exe /configure \\server\Deploy\Applications\Office365\Pilot_Admin_64.xml
When I deploy it to my own machine, through Lansweeper it worked fine. Deploying it to anyone else though gives me an error:
Result: Deployment ended: Fatal error during installation. Stop(Failure).
Which Run Mode do you use? I believe I chose System Account