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Engaged Sweeper
Unfortunately, we are unable to renew our Lansweeper license.
This thread
dated February 12, 2019 says that the Lansweeper service will be blocked.
What exactly will stop working?
New assets will not be scanned ?
With old assets will not be deleted from the database?
Can they be changed?
Service LsAgent will stop working ?
What will happen to ?

Honored Sweeper
Alexey Gorbachev wrote:
What exactly will stop working?

Once your license expires, Lansweeper will revert back to the freeware version which is limited to 100 assets.

Alexey Gorbachev wrote:
New assets will not be scanned?

That is correct, if you have more than 100 assets, the service will be blocked meaning you won't be able to scan, deploy, import tickets or anything else that requires the service to run.

Alexey Gorbachev wrote:
With old assets will not be deleted from the database?

They will not be deleted, will be kept as historical information. Note if you have clean up options configured etc, they might clean up the database if the devices are not scanned after some time.

Alexey Gorbachev wrote:
Can they be changed?

I don't believe so, if you are over the 100 asset limit, I don't believe it will allow you to update / save new information.

Alexey Gorbachev wrote:
Service LsAgent will stop working?

If over the 100 assets then yes, it will be unable to write updated information to the database.

Alexey Gorbachev wrote:
What will happen to

This one I am unsure on.

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