Hi, we have lansweeper (last version, Win Server 2016 standard, IIS express,SQL 2014 Local DB) with active directory authentication. At first we had 2-3 specific accounts with which we administer Lansweeper. We tried to put an AD group for administration and removed the specific accounts. We haven't figured out the reason but we seem to have lost the admin rights. (we dont see configuration tab anymore).
I tried the following steps without success.
<<If you don't have a user with access to configuration, then you can give access to all users by doing the following:
If you're using IIS Express: Run Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\IISexpress\ExpressAuthentication.exe and make sure anonymous access is enabled
If you're using IIS: Make sure anonymous access is enabled and Windows authentication disabled
Enable the built-in admin using this tool: Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Service\ResetWebUserRoles.exe>>
When i run ResetWebUserRoles.exe i get a handshake error, as seen in the picture.
Any help will be appreciated, thanks