What could be some reasons that an MSI uninstaller would fail? It says there is a version isn't present on the endpoint but I have verified that the uninstaller and the client versions match.
If it is a 32-bit application on a 64-bit machine, the information will be stored under key SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ which is being scanned by Lansweeper as well. You might check if the application is listed there.
During scanning and during execution of an MSIUninstall step, Lansweeper searches through the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ on the target machine. If your deployment package returned the message that softwarename or version was not found, likely the specified version was not found under this key. Be sure to use the exact right version number or use the percent symbol as wildcard.
Software installed through MSI has a GUID. You can recognize MSI packages on the asset page of your client computers under tab Software by the installer icon. If you hover over an MSI package icon, it will show "Windows (MSI) Installer". If the asset wasn't recently scanned, rescan it first. Afterwards look at the software tab and note down the exact software name and version number. In the MSIUninstall step of your deployment package select the same version to be uninstalled.
If you plan to uninstall a software which was not installed through MSI, you need to use the installer executable with the parameters required for unattended uninstall. The location of the (Un)installer executable and the parameters differ from package to package.
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