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Engaged Sweeper


Have had a busy year with a new domain and ERP system among other things and haven't logged in to Lansweeper.

Just logged in and seem to have lost everything apart from helpdesk on the dashboard, and a "lorum ipsum" knowledgebase.

Logged out and in again, I'm the only user but it's like I don't have permission to see the network but no way of getting permission!

Services are running and have been restarted. Server has been restarted.

Any ideas?

Lansweeper Tech Support
Lansweeper Tech Support

Hello AlliedPaul, 

Is your asset data still present? 
If that is not the case, it could be that your database reverted to a clean install, with an empty database. 
This happens sometimes when the database files are not restored to the SQLData folder in the Lansweeper folder structure. In that case a new empty database could be created if the database files are not found after a service restart.
To double-check, and for further guidance, you can use the Support team. They should be able to help you further.