This is what Lansweeper sent me to fix the issue:
The technical details of the error as seen in your website log indicate that the error is related to asset/user relations.
Your Summary screenshot doesn't show the asset/user relation section of the tab, but we assume the problem assets have one or more asset/user relations of which the Active Directory user no longer exists. You do indicate you terminated a user. One other customer has reported the object reference error under these circumstances. Ordinarily, if an Active Directory user is deleted from Lansweeper, either manually or through cleanup options, its relations are removed as well. This mechanism is broken in Lansweeper 7.2 for cleanup options, resulting in relations remaining in the database even though the user was removed.
We had already reported the aforementioned issue to our developers. The case has ID LAN-4114 in our system and will be referred to as such in our changelog once fixed: https://www.lansweeper.com/changelog/
At the moment, we unfortunately don't have an estimated release date for a fix. For now, you can resolve the issue by manually deleting the faulty relations from the database. To do this, you can run the script below in the Script Execution tab of this tool: Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Tools\DatabaseMaintenance.exe. Replace what we've highlighted with the ID of the asset that's in error. An asset's ID is visible in the URL of its Lansweeper webpage.
We recommend backing up your installation prior to running any scripts: https://www.lansweeper.com/knowledgebase/backing-up-your-installation/
On an unrelated note, we would also recommend updating to the latest 7.2 build ( by following these instructions: https://www.lansweeper.com/knowledgebase/updating-your-installation/
From tblAssetUserRelations
Where tblAssetUserRelations.AssetID = 506 And tblAssetUserRelations.IsLocalUser =
0 And tblAssetUserRelations.Username Is Not Null And
tblAssetUserRelations.Userdomain + '\' + tblAssetUserRelations.Username Not In
(Select tblADusers.Userdomain + '\' + tblADusers.Username From tblADusers)
You should also be able to resolve the issue for all assets at once by running the modified script below. Again though, back up your database first, to be safe. The script below deletes all relations between assets and domain users where the domain user is no longer present in tblADusers.
From tblAssetUserRelations
Where tblAssetUserRelations.IsLocalUser =
0 And tblAssetUserRelations.Username Is Not Null And
tblAssetUserRelations.Userdomain + '\' + tblAssetUserRelations.Username Not In
(Select tblADusers.Userdomain + '\' + tblADusers.Username From tblADusers)