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Engaged Sweeper

Until a few weeks ago, I could read which office 365 license was associate for each user.
I could do the same thing by starting with office 365 licenses and choosing in the “licenses” tab one of them, I would get a list of all the associated users.
Why is it that now the table “tblO365AssignedLicense” always comes up empty?
I tried to rebuild the connection with our Tenant 365, it updates the list of licenses (table “tblO365License”) but not the association with the user.
Thanks for the support

Engaged Sweeper

This has affected me as well. It started when I updated to the latest version

Engaged Sweeper II

I thought that this problem only affected me.
But it's the same for me too.
Under Microsfot 365 Organizations, the licenses are displayed with the correct number.
If you select a product, the users with the licenses are not displayed.

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