Unfortunately no, as you are deploying under another account, eg a domain admin account or system account. From what I have seen the best you can get is the message command as that is a built in windows command designed to send messages to all logged on users etc.
I normally push a message command using a file so it can be spaced out and contain additional information.
Basically, explain that it is being deployed and can take some time, please do not restart the machine, you will be notified once complete, then push a completed message once done.

The other issue is when you're doing a silent install, that's just it, its silent. There is no reporting progress bar etc unless the installer package wrote some information for this (but I have never seen it), as the installer isn't providing this information there is nothing that Lansweeper could report. Even Microsoft's SCCM struggles with this, although does have an installing indicator.
@Charles it would be nice if the LanSweeper remote deployment executable had an option of appearing in the system tray with a balloon tip notification or even a small installing progress bar that appears at the bottom right-hand side of the screen. Doesn't have to show the status of the deployment, but maybe a scrolling animation loading bar etc with the application title so to the end users they can see it's doing something.
Such as "Installing Adobe Reader vX.XXX" with the progress animation bar underneath.
Something like this https://www.leemunroe.com/demos/css3-loading-bar/
Just so the end user can see something is occurring and doesn't shut down their computer or undock it.