DeviceTester.exe can be found in Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Actions on your Lansweeper server and can be used to test connections to (and available protocols on) devices.
momalley wrote:
We have a very large amount of PC's being identified as Webservers
This is likely due to port 135 being closed.
- If port 135 is open, the machine is deemed to be a Windows computer.
- If port 135 is closed, the machine is deemed to be non-Windows.
Information on configuring Windows Firewall can be found
momalley wrote:
as well as Nortel 1140E IP phones being identified as Webservers
This is likely due to HTTP(S) being the only protocol available on the devices. You can manually override the scanned asset type by clicking the Assets link at the top of the web console, ticking the checkboxes in front of the problem assets and hitting the Mass Change button on the left.