ufficioced wrote:
SubnetJO wrote:
I need to to automate some tasks basing on the Lansweeper assets.
At its basics, I need to query and filter lansweeper assets and perform some tasks on each filtered asset.
I don't know if I understood your problem
You could use "deploy package" in Lansweeper web console: create a deploy package with the configuration you need and then a report filtering the right assets
in the report's asset list you can deploy the package to the assets
let me know, regards
Thank you for your kind answer
However, what I need is to query lansweeper programmatically, hopefully integrating with a powershell.
Let's say I want to know how many IP Locations with a name that starts with "XYZ" I have, and then doing something elsewhere basing on the result.
For example I have a list of licenses assigned to each IP Location.
I need to check if we have licenses still assigned to no longer existing sites.
So I need to compare the list of the licenses and the list of the alive sites.
Where I can get the list of the alive sites?
I'm told "look at the IP locations in lanswepeer".
So, since my scripts are powershell, my question is: how can I query Lansweeper by powershell?
I know of the "unofficial" module, I tried it, but I cannot get it to work.
Is there something Official?
Is there any programmatical way to query Lansweeper, without querying the undergoing database directly, of course
Thank you for your kind help